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eDEN#7 Verbal Abuse
Le retour du verbe... Quand les mots télescopent la house! Du jamais entendu.. New York encore New York, qui sait se régénérer et donner un coup de pied pour réveiller la scène club, avec des recettes typées années 50 Beat generation.. New York 432 West 14th Street tous les 1ers mardis du mois au Jackie 60 hosted by Chichi Valenti.. Johnny Dynnell aux platines et des intervenants qui déclament, parlent, hurlent, performent! Beat culture + drag disco = une nouvelle façon d'exister en club. Chaque nuit passé à danser n'a de raison d'être que de maintenir l'illusion. PATRICK VIDAL
VERBAL ABUSE est un fanzine qui édite les textes lus pendant ces nuits au Jackie 60. Extraits du nº 1, été 93:
MY LIFE AS I REMEMBER IT (..) I've been addicted to MDA, tequila, LSD, PCP, speed, dope, coke, pot, mescaline, Quaaludes, nicotine, sex and the mysteries of the night all my life until I hit twenty-eight. Now it's only night life and sex. (..) I've lived as a woman for a solid year and had tits, thank you. I've dated black men, white men, brown men, red men, yellow men, and several delicious women. I've been engaged, married, in love, separated, divorced and brokenhearted. I've had syphilis, gonorrhea, crabs, scabies, hemorrhoids, hepatitis, appendicitis, dermatitis and the flu at least fifty times. (..) I've been a born again Christian, a crystal-holding new age visualizationist, a Buddhist, a Hindu, a Christian scientist, a Universalist, a bullshit artist, a seeker of truth, a charlatan, a holy roller, a shamanistic dancer, a guru, a disciple and an enigma to my friends. I'm a triple Gemini natural blonde who loves God and takes time out to smell the roses. (..) I have always believed in the power of love and that the groove lies somewhere between the heart and the genitals. I have never been deliberately cruel and I've never hit anyone with my fist - I hope I never have to. I've been a whore, a saint, a sinner, a healer, a heathen, an actor, a poet, a drag queen, a straight man, a teenage zombie, a punk rocker, a clone, a faggot, a skywriter, a vegeterian, a teacher, a student, a wanderer, a wild thing, a father, a son, a yogi, and a fierce hairdresser. I've been lost, found confused, absolved, punished and rewarded. I've stared death in the face and wondered why not me - yet(..). © BOBBY MILLER
THE DOORMAN POEM Excuse me excuse me Who is in charge here I mean who has the guest list? I must be on it I am personal friends with just about anybody you ever heard of Just check the list And I am sure that you will find my name Why isn't anyone talking to me Can somebody go get the manager I am not used to being treated like this Chains usually open when people see me walking down the street What is wrong with this club anyway Why are you letting that asshole in And not even looking at me Who do you think you are What is the owner's name Give me his phone number We'll straighten this out soon enough How come this big guy is standing right next to me Here I am trying to be polite and peaceful And just try and get the free entrance that me and my friends deserve And first you ignore me Then you send this bruiser over to flex his muscles What kinda place is this anyway Hey you, the skinny one with the list I am getting angry now Just get over here and talk to me Do you want to keep your job? © HAOUI MONTAUG